Confidence Begins With YOU

Today’s post is about CONFIDENCE.

Confidence is something that so many people have struggled with as society’s influences from various streams has greatly impacted how one sees themselves in the world.

These influences can  affect how one believes how successful or effective they can be in their home, at their job, in their education, their business, their aspirations, and in THEMSELVES.

Although we have outside influences, the greatest influence is within ourselves.

Confidence is something that starts from within.

It doesn’t always come overnight.

It’s a never-ending evolution of loving yourself enough…

Believing in yourself enough to:

1)Accept your imperfections

2) Embrace your UNIQUENESS

3) Remove COMPARISON out of your mental dictionary

4) Go after your dreams/goals/aspirations

5) Get up and make something happen for yourself

6) Start something new

7) Leave a legacy

Confidence is about knowing WHO you are, understanding WHAT you deserve, and LIVING out your BEST self.

Confidence begins with YOU.

It is about loving who you are in the NOW.

It is the fuel of your life! 

To the one reading this:

You are born unique! Born to be GREAT! Born to impact the world! There’s a spectacular gift inside of you that only YOU can fulfill. So why compare yourself to someone else when you are supposed to be in your own lane? Comparison is the thief of joy, individuality, self-love, and acceptance. Take your time…or not. It’s up to you. Be YOU! In due time things will work in YOUR favor. In due time, it’ll be YOUR TIME. Your time begins NOW. Pick up that “go-getter” attitude and start working on what you want to accomplish…whatever that may be. Stand up.  Stand out. Work your faith. Activate your truth that you are more than enough and worthy of great things! Allow your perseverance to turn ALL the way Up!

#ItsAlreadyInYou #DontYouDareTellYourselfAnythingDifferent


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