One Year Down!

Today, Dec. 14 marks one year as a doctoral student in the marvelous, selfless, rewarding, and most giving field of study – Social Work!

I remember the days when I doubted my ability to complete my Master’s degree, but here I am…

There I was, walking across the stage, ready to take on the world with my degree in my right hand, and a lot of hope that all this work was going to pay off. So far, IT HAS!

One day I’ll share my full testimony of how I ended up here – one complete year as a doctoral learner. Whoo-Hoo!

In the meantime, I am going to use this three-week break for self-care, gratitude, and reflection!

No matter where you are, where you want to be, or what you want to do, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Push yourself even on the days when you doubt yourself the most. There’s freedom in the uncomfortable…surprisingly, and your purpose is on the other side of fear!

Until next time ❤,

Be Fearless. Be Flawless. Be Free


{Feel FREE to share your accomplishments in the comment box below! Would love to celebrate with you!}